Pays d’art et d’histoire Vézère Ardoise

Allassac is the seat of the so-called body “Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Vézère Ardoise”: which includes 46 communities located in the south west part of Limousin that have thus joined together.

More than a body, “Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Vézère Ardoise” is also a label (created in 1985), which is granted  by the Ministry of Culture and Communications to reward the towns and communities that choose to revive both the natural patrimony and the local built environment.
This label allows the communities members (like Allassac) to contribute to a common cultural project by developing a living network between all the partners that are:  the communities, the cultural bodies and the Tourist boards. All this aiming at creating a range of efficient teaching tools in order to enable people (whether the natives or the tourists) to discover and apprehend the historical, geographical and patrimonial heritage of the Vézère Ardoise Territory, and to help them understand better the characteristics of this specific area.
Bearing in mind that objective, the whole “Pays d’Art et d’Histoire” team organizes particular actions such as: guided tours, animated visits, night-time tours, activities for the children, World Heritage and other workshops, conferences and excursions…
Helpful publications both for adults and children are also proposed, as well as thematic travelling exhibitions.
Pays d’Art et d’Histoire Vézère Ardoise
24, rue de la Grande Fontaine
19240 Allassac
Phone Number: 0555849566
Also on Facebook:
Opening Times:
From Mondays to Friday: from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 5.30 pm
Carte des communes du Pays d’art et d’histoire Vézère Ardoise :

Click on the map to open.


2 Place de la République,
19240 Allassac
Tél : 05 55 84 92 38


Du Lundi au Vendredi :
de 08h30 à 12h00 de 13h30 à 17h30
Le Samedi :
de 08h30 à 12h00
Mairie d'Allassac - nous contacter